Welcome to Faith CRC! We're a church that loves the Lord, loves Scripture, and loves people. We hope you get a good sense of Faith from checking out our website. We'd love to welcome you to one of our Sunday worship services or any of our church activities.
We gather together as a multi-generational church from many different stages of life, and we'd love to welcome you into our church family. Wherever you're coming from, we'd love to have you here!
You can find more info around our website, and please get in touch if you have any questions.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Matthew
What time does worship start and how long does it last?
Our worship services are the center of our church life. We have two distinct services every Sunday at 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM. Each service lasts approximately one hour.
What is worship like at Faith CRC?
Worship at Faith is deliberately based on the Word, grounded in the history of the church, dynamic in presentation and relevant to real life. All the parts of our worship at Faith (prayers, singing, offerings, Scripture readings and sermons) bring us into active communication between the Living God and His people. In our worship services, God speaks to us, and we listen and respond to Him. We are committed to a blend of musical styles, seeking the best worship music throughout the ages.
Is there childcare?
Yes. Faith offers quality, loving childcare in up-to-date, safe, and welcoming nurseries. The infant nursery welcomes children as young as parents are comfortable leaving them. The toddler nursery provides childcare for children who are comfortable walking up through age three. Faith also has a quiet, private mother’s room near the nurseries for moms to care for their babies and watch the worship service.
What about my children?
Children ages three through kindergarten may leave halfway through the morning worship service to participate in a worship experience designed especially for them. This kid-friendly program encourages lots of movement, creativity and hands-on experiences all while learning more about their Savior.
Do I need to give to the offering?
As a visitor to Faith, you are not to be asked or expected to give an offering unless you feel led to do so.
How should I dress?
When worshiping at Faith you will see a mix of styles, from casual clothes to sport coats and dresses.
How do I get to Faith CRC and where do I park?
Faith CRC is located at 1070. S. Prospect Ave. in Elmhurst, Illinois. Parking is available at Faith, as well as parking lots at Timothy Christian Schools (located to the east across Prospect Ave.) and the Seventh Day Adventist Church (located northwest of Faith CRC, an entrance off Butterfield Rd.).
How can I connect with others?
Begin by sharing a cup of coffee with us in the fellowship hall after the morning worship service. Discover specific ways to experience God’s Word, express God’s love or become equipped to serve by stopping by the Welcome Center, checking out our website, or contacting the church office.
What if I still have questions?
We would be happy to answer them! Please contact the the church office at 630-279-1776 or email us.
Faith Christian Reformed Church
1070 S. Prospect Ave, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Sunday Services: 9:30 AM | 5:00 PM