Our Mission & Beliefs
at Faith CRC
All people were created for the purpose of giving God glory. To glorify God here and now at Faith CRC, we are called together to experience God's Word, express God's love, equip God's people and expand God's Kingdom.
Mission & Purpose
Experience God's Word: We believe the Bible is not just a collection of good moral teachings, but God's very message to us. Because of it's life transforming power and relevancy for everyday life, preaching and teaching God's Word is a priority here at Faith.
Express God's Love: The greatest commandment, and summary of the law (Matthew 22:37-40) is love. Ephesians 5:1 tells us to imitate God and "live a life of love, just as Christ loved us." Love is the heart and soul of Christian living and our response to God's love for us.
Equip God's People: God calls people to serve Him and others everywhere and in every area of life. Faith CRC equips people to serve in the church, in their homes, in their work, in their community and in the world.
Expand God's Kingdom: Our congregation directs intention to have an outward focus, both in proclaiming the good news of Jesus and working to build His kingdom.
We Believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We believe
We celebrate
that the Bible is the Word of God and the foundation for our faith and for our lives. We believe that the most important message in the world is that Jesus is Savior and Lord.
in the Trinity. The triune God has revealed Himself as one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
that sin has affected all aspects of life and our only hope is in Jesus Christ. God has redeemed us by sending us His Son into the world to make atonement for our sin. Christ died on the cross and rose again three days later, conquering sin and death so that we might have new life in Him.
that salvation is a gift from God, not earned by our works, but freely given by Him.
that in response to His grace, God empowers us through the Holy Spirit for grateful lives of service and love.
the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper. In baptism, whether of a covenant child or someone who comes to faith later in life, God claims us in Christ, marks us as His own, and seals us in God's covenant family. The water of baptism is a sign of the washing away of our sins through the blood of Jesus and a seal of the renewing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We believe that the Lord's Supper is for anyone who has professed their faith in Christ. The bread and the cup signify the body and blood of Jesus and seal to us His saving work.
Faith Christian Reformed Church
1070 S. Prospect Ave, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Sunday Services: 9:30 AM | 5:00 PM