Faith CRC Resources

Looking to discover what is upcoming on the calendar at Faith? Want to see what you missed in the bulletin? Trying to find a phone number from someone in the congregation? You have come to the right place. Follow the links on the menu tab above to find the information you seek.

Details from bulletin announcements

Looking for more details from a bulletin announcement that directed you here. Scroll down to find what you are looking for.

Faith Golf Outing 2024

Save the date for the annual Faith Golf Outing at Village Greens of Woodridge on Saturday, September 28 at 1:30PM. Come for golf and/or dinner to support the Christian Education Fund. Register by clicking here

Spiritual Gifts - Designed by God

Click Here to take the survey.

Thank you for completing the survey to find out about your spiritual gifts! Follow the links below and fill out the questions to prepare for the next steps of our program. Contact the office if you would like a printed copy of the forms below.

Abilities - Click Here

Life Experiences - Click Here

Passions - Click Here

Reform Ministry Plan

The Re4m Ministry Plan focuses on three key priorities that surfaced during the Healthy Church Discernment Process (the congregational survey, congregational conversation, and the Council & Planning Team Retreat.). Click here to read more and view the full ministry plan. 

Please continue to be in prayer for this process and the outcome.