Faith CRC Resources
Check this page regularly for information about Faith's upcoming events, to find the current bulletin, or to register for groups or events.

Click below to read this week's bulletin or a bulletin from the past few months.
Chicago Dogs Opening Game

Seniors, GEMS, Cadets, middle school and high school youth along with their families are invited to enjoy a night out watching the opening Chicago Dogs game on Friday, May 9. Click below to sign up to come.
Serving at My Brother's Kitchen

Aligning with our mission of Expanding God's Kingdom, we are organizing a group to serve at My Brother's Kitchen in Lawndale on April 12. We are looking for 10 volunteers to serve as well as donations for food. Signup sheets will be out at the Registration Counter at church.
Holiday Services

'I am the resurrection and the life, the one who believes in me will live...' Join us on April 18 at 7 pm for our annual Good Friday Tenebrae service. On Easter Sunday, April 20, our service will start at 9:30 am.
A Visit with Corrie Ten Boom

On April 12, from 9:00-11:00 am at Faith CRC,
Gayle Haas will engage us with her ability to make
‘Stories Come Alive’ as she depicts Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch Holocaust survivor who helped Jews escape the Nazis during World War II. Her use of costumes, object lessons, and creative crafts all serve as tools to entertain and instruct both children and adults.
Pray on Wednesday

This ministry year, we’ll have a prayer time on most Wednesdays at 1:00PM. You’re welcome to come regularly, occasionally, or even just once. We’ll pray for personal needs, for our church, and for the world, with some different focus points each week. Dirk Glaubke, Dirk Rauglas, and Pastor Matthew will be taking turns leading these prayer times; contact any of them with questions.

Save the date for VBS 2025! Ages 3 years through grade 5 are invited to join us for our free Vacation Bible School on June 23-27 from 9:00-11:30 am. Find the Registration link here when it opens on April 1.
Springfest 2025!

​Faith CRC Springfest will be Saturday, May 10. Save The Date! Lots of fun activities are being planned. For the kids: Pony rides, petting zoo, bounce house, and more. For the adults: great food, bake sale, craft sale and silent auction. You won’t want to miss out on this fun day!

Click the button below to view the full church calendar. ​If you have any questions about our events or programs, please contact us.

Visit Faith's online digital directory by clicking below. You must be invited to join the directory in order to view. If you have not been invited to join and would like to, please contact the office at office@faithelmhurst.org or 630-279-1776.
Ministry Partners

Council Notes

Click the links below to read previous highlights from the Faith CRC Council meetings with in the past year.
Faith Christian Reformed Church
1070 S. Prospect Ave, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Sunday Services: 9:30 AM | 5:00 PM