Faith Church's Council

10 Elders and 10 Deacons make up the church council which is the governing body of our congregation

  • Rev. Matthew Lanser


    Pastor Matthew has been a pastor at Faith since 2014. He enjoys preaching, teaching, pastoral care, evangelism, and helping people to know and to follow Jesus more fully. Matthew grew up in Denver, and still sometimes misses the mountains (though Chicago’s skyline makes for a pretty cool horizon too). He went to Trinity Christian College in the Chicagoland area, and received his M.Div from Calvin Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Matthew then spent several years as a missionary in Nigeria. He worked with a rapidly growing group of churches in a remote area, where his primary tasks were to mentor indigenous missionaries and train local church leaders. After returning from Nigeria, Matthew earned a second masters’ degree from Calvin Seminary (this time focusing on how people interpret the Bible), and then accepted a call to serve here at Faith CRC. Matthew has been married to Laura since 2005. Laura has worked as a nurse in a variety of settings, but is currently a stay-at-home mom. They have three sons (David, Micah and Ezra), so Matthew reads a lot of kids’ books and has a great excuse to play with Legos. Please call Pastor Matthew at 630-279-1776 or email him.




    Dr. Armstrong serves as Pastor of Care. With Pastor Matthew & the elders, Dave provides pastoral care for the congregation. In addition to care, he occasionally preaches and leads worship. Dave also participates in other ministries as opportunities arise.



    Teaching PASTOR

    Ben is Professor of Theology at Trinity Christian College. He also serves the church through preaching and teaching. Ben grew up in Pella, IA and sensed a call to ministry in high school. He studied Theology at Dort College, continued his studies at Calvin Theological Seminary and received his doctorate in Biblical Theology from Wheaton. He has been teaching at Trinity since 2013 and ordained in the CRC since 2014. He is married to Whitney, and they have two sons.



    Dirk is the Director of Connections. Dirk is working on a part-time basis to support on-going ministries and connecting in the areas of care, expanding God's Kingdom, and youth.  He has been a member of Faith since 2000 and has served as an Elder and Deacon.  Dirk has worked as a Corporate Recruiter for global management consulting organizations and Fortune 500 companies for 40 years.  He is married to Kathy, and has two adult children, Rebecca and Eric who reside in the greater Minneapolis area.  You can reach Dirk by calling the church office at 630-279-1779.                                                                               circleemail



    Mindy handles the invoice processing, budget balancing and financial reporting for Faith. She also works in the office covering regular clerical and administrative duties. You can reach Mindy Monday through Thursday from 9-3 PM and Fridays from 9-noon at 630-279-1776 or by emailing the church office.                                                                            circleemail

  • Chelsea Van Dyk

    Children & Youth COORDINATOR

    Our Children and Youth programs and organizations are overseen by Chelsea Van Dyk. She works with all volunteers to equip them for serving all of our children from nursery to high school age. You can reach her Tuesday or Wednesday 9-3 PM or Friday from 9-noon at 630-279-0420.




    Niki's focus is on the adult ministries at Faith. She aids ministry leaders in organizing and planning ministries, prepares and plans church events for Faith's adults and whole congregation. Niki manages communications for Faith: email, graphic design, social media, video production, and website, in addition to regular clerical and administrative duties. You can reach her Monday through Thursday from 9-3 PM and Fridays from 9-noon at 630-279-1776 or by emailing the church office.



    Accompanist/Worship planner

    Donna is a longtime member of Faith CRC and serves as an organist and pianist. She  also assists in selecting hymnal music for services.


    Accompanist/worship planner

    Jan serves as an organist and pianist here at Faith CRC. In addition, she assists in selecting hymnal music for services.


    worship Leader

    Dan leads our worship team on Sunday mornings in addition to selecting contemporary music for services.

  • Al & Pat Tobin


    Al and Pat, originally from the west suburbs of Chicago, are long-time members of Faith CRC. They have been on staff at Faith CRC since 2004. The Tobins can be contacted at the church office at 630-279-1776.