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Let's do dinner...

“Share a meal. Meet new people. Extend the table.” As Faith Church launches into a new season of fall ministries, we’re excited to bring back Dine with Nine. Dine with Nine is a simple gathering with nine (or so) persons.

What: Dine with Nine is a simple gathering with nine (or so) persons--some couples, some singles, some new to the church, some life-long members, some older and some younger

When: 5 Dinners will be held, one each month, starting in September and ending in February with an extra month buffer to accommodate the holiday season. Each group of nine, led by rotating hosts, will determine when and how the dinners will take place. 

Why: As our Faith Church family moves through this year, we hope to provide more opportunities to grow deeper in our relationships with God and others. Consider stepping out on a limb and joining a group to meet a new face and grow deeper in your relationships with your brothers and sisters in Christ. 


  1. Register to join a group

  2. A coordinator will divide participants into groups of 9 (or so)

  3. Work together with your group to determine dates that will work for all or most of the group members, taking turns coordinating a meal meeting location and other details. 

  4. Don’t be afraid to get creative! Some ideas may include dining out for a meal followed by a dessert inside a host’s home, bringing pizza to a park or outdoor patio, or organizing a potluck-style dinner with each member contributing one part of the meal. Each couple/individual is encouraged to cover the cost of their meal.